hello nice reederz its dennis the vizsla dog hay wel i am helping bugs bunny git reddy for his rayse aginst the flying turtel by giving him a littel pep tawk chek it owt!!!
i am not shoor bugs is reely feeling the need the need for speed!!! plus he seems to be eezily distrakted by advertizing banners wot mite be floting by!!!
bugs!!! try to fokus!!!
hmm it seems that tucker may be trying to tayk advantadj of the hyoodj krowds wot wil probly want to watch the rayse in order to git presents for his upkoming birthday wel playd tucker wel playd!!!
hay is it my imadjinayshun or do i heer sirens???
uh oh its the poleese!!! hoo wud hav thawt bugs showing up wood leed to me gitting arrested???!!! wel i gess i am going for a littel ride in the kar!!! ok bye